About Me

Greetings! I am Director of Music Ministries at St. John of the Cross parish in Western Springs, IL. The purpose of this blog is to give anyone who is interested insight into how music functions in our worship, and what goes on in my head as I prepare the musical end of liturgical prayer at our parish.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Honor and abundance (what I learned)

This was an interesting Sunday...as it turned out, the preachers didn't head in the direction I expected them to at all, and most of the liturgies had some change of music, mainly at the Preparation.

Fr. Ken addressed the whole idea of banquets and hosting and relationships with those with whom we gather; we did "All are Welcome" at the liturgy he presided at. And Fr. Barron focused on the idea of Jesus calling everyone from every corner of the world to share in the abundant feast together--that there is this table of great abundance set before us, and we have a tendency to become "addicted to honor"--to spend so much time worrying about how we are viewed and where our station is within a social structure that we completely miss the wonder of the great feast and gift...he got "Come to the Banquet." (I confess: I was still pretty sleepy at 7:30 and didn't pay good enough attention to Brendan's homily...sorry, Father!:-)

The rest of the music fit very well--At That First Eucharist was exactly right, Blest are They hit it right on the head, and We are Called was a nice solid ending, shifting the focus from our inward welcoming and abundance to the world outward which calls us to bring that gift of plenty into its barren places.

What I learned...well, I'm not sure there's much of interest to say I learned this week. I learned that it's probably time to give loving and pastoral nudges to those among the cantors who are accustomed to coming in a little later than they should, and invite them to arrive at least 15 minutes before liturgy, not because they necessarily need 12 minutes of rehearsal but because it's good for everyone's blood pressure. And the readings and homilies gave me a lot to reflect on from my own life: I wish I could say "I learned that shouldn't worry so much about being perfect, or about appearing perfect and never making mistakes." I make mistakes, and I feel like I'm making a lot more of them lately than I usually do. And then I beat myself up, and I lie awake at night formulating my list of excuses and hoping the more I repeat them to myself the more valid they will sound. (Doesn't work. Don't waste your time on this one.) So I haven't exactly learned that particular lesson, but it's very kind of the Holy Spirit to give me hopeful refreshers every now and again.

I also learned that Labor Day really neither needs nor wants a patriotic hymn, so the preceding post should probably have waited for next May.:-)

Happy September!

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